Wednesday, January 29, 2014

starting to feel like a wimp

This arctic air that has been here for most of January is starting to make me feel like a real wimp!

 I have not been on a run outside since I don't know when.  I can't bring myself to do it!  I don't want to do it!  This arctic air is really messing with my running.  I just need to

I headed to run club last night and with the temps in the low teens and the wind kicking..I didn't run. So as my friend put it I didn't go to run club, I went to club club.. yeah this weather is killing my training this winter. About twenty hard core runners bundled up with multiple layers and headed out for a run last night..I would say I was jealous..but they just looked cold both before and after the run.  I just need some 30 degree days.

Today we got a surprise snow day from school.  Such a surprise that I didn't have any yummy breakfast treats for this morning.  I normally like to make something to celebrate the snow day.  I ended up making a egg and cheese bagel.  Something I would not make during a school day because I don't have the time.  It was fine, not as good as my strawberry pancakes from last week.  If I would have guessed a snow day I would have picked something yummy up from the store.  I am guessing there was some icy spots on the roads this morning because really we only got maybe an inch of snow.  I'll take it though.  I love a surprise day off of work!  I will have to head to the gym this afternoon and force myself to run on the treadmill.  Either that or I will turn into Jabba the Hut.

And really nobody wants to hang out with Jabba!  

What is the temperature that you take your runs indoors?

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'm a huge wimp!! I just can't stand the cold!! Today we actually are up to 32 but the wind gusts are insane and from the north. Good think I like the treadmill!